ACREDIA Versicherung AG
Himmelpfortgasse 29
1010 Vienna
Tel +43 (0)5 01 02-0
Type of company: Public limited company
Company register number: 59472 i
Commercial Register Court: Commercial Court Vienna
VAT no. ATU 15367608
Creditor ID for SEPA Direct Debit Scheme:
IBAN: AT231100000400649000
ACREDIA Versicherung AG is affiliated with the following companies:
Management Board
Gudrun Meierschitz, M.A.,
Michael Kolb
Supervisory Board
Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger
Member of the Management Board of Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft
Dr. Gerd-Uwe Baden
Deputy Chairman
Aemilius Wilhelmus Bogaerts
Chairman of the Management Board of Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg
Mag. Helmut Bernkopf
Member of the Management Board of Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft
Delegated by the Works Council:
Marcus Paseka
Chairman of the Works Council of ACREDIA Versicherung AG
Mag. Christa Griemann
Member of the Works Council of ACREDIA Versicherung AG
OeKB EH Beteiligungs- und Management AG 100%
Supervisory authority
Financial Market Authority (FMA), Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna
Chamber affiliation
The insurance of loans and security deposits, the insurance against
Fidelity, reinsurance and co-insurance in these classes of insurance.
The purpose of the ACREDIA Versicherungs AG website is to provide information about the company and its products.
This information does not constitute an offer in the legal sense.
Concept and design of the website:
Quirin Anhofer, Augsburg, Germany
Implementation of the website:
Quirin Anhofer, Augsburg, Germany
toscom GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Concept and design of the ACREDIA Customer Tool
crossconnect GmbH, Vienna
Implementation: openForce Information Technology GesmbH,
Vienna Place of production and publication Vienna
ACREDIA Services GmbH
Himmelpfortgasse 29
1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 (0)5 51 02-2222
Type of company: Limited liability company
Company register number: 36201m
Commercial register court: Commercial Court Vienna
UID-No.: ATU 67992639
IBAN: AT73ZZZ00000008322
Managing Director
Nicole Schmidt
Chamber affiliation
Vienna Chamber of Commerce
ACREDIA Versicherung AG, 100 %
Object of the company
Credit agency
Debt collection
Trade in computers
Information services IT services
Contact us
ACREDIA Versicherung AG
Himmelpfortgasse 29
1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 (0)5 51 02-2222
ACREDIA Services SEE d.o.o.
Slavonska Avenija 1c
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: + 385 1 3535356
Type of company: Limited liability company
Company register number (MBS): 081544806
Tax Number.: 49938978684
Account Opened at: Zagrebačka banka d.d.
IBAN: HR4523600001103106064
Share Capital: 70,000.00 Euros, fully paid in
Managing Director
Janos Kis, Ivica Balenović
Object of the company
Credit agency
Debt collection
Trade in computers
Information services IT services
Our team is available from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm and on Fridays from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm.
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© 2025 ACREDIA Versicherung AG