Disclaimer of ACREDIA Versicherung AG


The information made available on the websites of Acredia and its brands, including hyperlinks and downloadable files, does not constitute advice on legal, tax, or other matters. This information is for general informational purposes only.

All of the text on Acredia’s website has been carefully reviewed. Nevertheless, Acredia makes no guarantee for the accuracy, completeness, and currentness of the information provided.
Furthermore, Acredia assumes no liability for direct or indirect damages arising in conjunction with the use of this website. Acredia is also not liable for damages resulting from the unavailability of the website or errors in its operation.
The links to other, non-company websites were carefully selected. The respective provider is responsible for the content and design of the websites referred to via hyperlinks. Acredia assumes no liability for these providers.


All rights reserved. Reproduction of text and data including the storage and use thereof on optical or electronic data storage devices is only permitted within the scope of a contract or with prior consent from Acredia. The utilisation of data, including the input thereof into online services, databases, or websites, by unauthorised third parties is prohibited.

Data protection

ACREDIA takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. That is why we have integrated data protection as an important concern into our processes, products and services. Your personal data will be processed by us exclusively on the basis of the applicable data protection regulations. It goes without saying that we handle your data with care, treat it confidentially and protect it from misuse. Please see here for ACREDIA’s privacy policies.

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